A Spotlight on Big Rivers

The Big Rivers Cluster has been supporting school and regional improvement.

The NTLC Started in Katherine, about 300km South of Darwin in 2015.

Engagement is a two way street

Student and teacher commissioners across the Big Rivers region including Katherine, Mataranka and Ngukurr are focused on improvement lines of inquiry including building reading competency, meta-cognition and positive behaviour for learning.

Casuarina Street PS

Casua­r­i­na Street Pri­ma­ry School is a grow­ing and vibrant school locat­ed in the devel­op­ing area of Kather­ine East with a cur­rent enrol­ment of 370 stu­dents.

The vision is that Learn­ers at CSPS have an embed­ded belief that they are capable of achiev­ing suc­cess. They are able to artic­u­late their goals and to devise a plan to achieve them. CSPS is a North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry School of Excel­lence and has been recog­nised for both its sig­nif­i­cant improve­ment in stu­dent out­comes and inno­v­a­tive prac­tices. It is also one of 14 Inde­pen­dent Pub­lic Schools in the NT.

A large pro­por­tion of stu­dents at CSPS are part of the Aus­tralian Defence Force com­mu­ni­ty locat­ed at RAAF Base Tin­dal. In addi­tion, stu­dents attend­ing CSPS iden­ti­fy as Abo­rig­i­nal and/​or Tor­res Strait Islander.

 CSPS caters for a diverse range of learn­ers includ­ing those with addi­tion­al needs and those iden­ti­fied as being gift­ed and tal­ent­ed.  

Katherine High School

KHS serves a region larger than the state of Victoria and caters to students with a diverse range of backgrounds, including RAAF, pastoral, the public sector, and remote and urban First Nations students which includes more than 30 language groups from across the Territory.

The school currently has more than 500 enrolments including an Aboriginal and Torres Strait population of more than 60 per cent.